You Will Never Have The Life You Want.
Let me say that again, you will never have to life you want.
Unless you set out to do so.
Life is a lot like a river that always keeps flowing. Because of this, it is too easy to just flow along with it and let it take you in the direction it is headed. This includes twists and turns but also a lot of sameness.
One day becomes like the last and pretty soon you are a year, 10 years, 50 years downstream and very little you really wanted to accomplish has materialized.
This is because you did not make it happen. You took what came to you and accepted it as OK, no matter if it was what you wanted or not.
I had these thoughts in the last couple months because of something seemingly frivolous. I started reading again. I started reading fiction.
I have not taken the time to read fiction since I was in high school. I actually really loved it then and would stay up late to find out what happened in the stories, I could not put the books down. My favorite is actually sci-fi and fantasy. It was my favorite then and I think it continues to be.
What I was finding in these stories is that the characters were doing things. They were changing their lives and the lives of those around them. They were not just sitting still and letting time overtake them, oppressed with sameness.
And really I think sameness is oppressive in a way. It’s subtle and we don’t always realize it. But when you get 10 years down the road and look back at things that did not happen and it becomes obvious.
You will never get healthy. Unless you set out to do so.
You will never have the marriage you want. Unless you set out to do so.
You will never have the relationship with your kids you want. Unless you set out to do so.
You will never save money. Unless you set out to do so.
You will never have the job you want. Unless you set out to do so.
You will never have the friends you want. Unless you set out to do so.
You will never change the world. Unless you set out to do so.
Look around at the people who are doing big things. They make them happen! If you want to write a book, you need to actually start writing. If you want to take a big vacation to Europe you need to save the money or make more so you can afford it. If you want more passion in your marriage, you need to have more passion (both you and your spouse will thank you for it, believe me, I know).
Whatever it is you want you HAVE to set out to do. It’s rare that good fortune falls in our laps. Sure it happens, but if waiting for good fortune is your game plan I think that you will find yourself disappointed, I know I have.
So, how do we start? A good place is to make a list of what you want in life. What have your dreams been over the years? Is there something you dreamed of in high school that never happened but maybe still could in some form? Then write it down.
Then take it a step further. How can you make or at least encourage these things to happen? Start small or start big. Really it’s up to you, but take a step.
Instead of a list of dreams, make it a list of realities. Big stuff that you make happen.
Think of what this world would be if it were full of people who made life happen instead of letting life happen to them. It would be a different place. It would have greater meaning and fulfillment.
To quote one of the stories I read that inspired me and this post,
What are the REALITIES you what to make happen in your life? Please share them.
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