Hoping to pick up some better habits when it comes to money? The below are all great ones to consider.
And I get that not all of them is going to work for everyone, but I challenge you to consider doing as many as you can.
It might not be as hard as you think!
1. Use coupons. Non-frugal people don’t understand how $0.50 and $1.00 coupons can add up to big savings. You don’t have to spend hours couponing—just a few minutes when you get the Sunday paper!
Read Learn How To Use Coupons and Shop Strategically
2. Have clear goals. Know your long-term goals, like paying off credit card debt, having enough money for a house down payment, or saving a certain amount for retirement. Clear goals make it easier to be frugal.
Read 3 Easy Ways to Get Your Budget Back on Track
3. Stop comparing yourself to others. If you always want the things or lifestyle other people have, you will always be trying to catch up to an impossible standard. Learn to be happy with what you have and what you can afford
4. Eat out less. Eat at home as much as possible. When you do go out, use coupons or choose budget-friendly restaurants.
5. Keep a thorough budget. To truly be frugal, you need to know where your money is going. This includes money spent on bills, flexible expenses, and other costs that come up throughout the month.
Read Basic Steps for Setting up a Budget
6. Don’t drive outside your means. Just because you can afford a certain car doesn’t mean you should buy it. Taking out a smaller car loan or paying in cash can help you put more money where it matters. Don’t look for the biggest, flashiest car—look for something that fits in your budget and lifestyle.
7. Stay in contact with your spouse about finances. If you have a partner, you need to be on the same page in regards to finances. Have frequent conversations about your financial standing and goals.
8. Know what your indulgences are. If you allow yourself to indulge on a couple things that matter, you won’t feel the need to treat yourself in every area of your life. Choose one or two things you really love to splurge on.
Read You Will Never Have The Life You Want
9. Don’t be house poor. Buying the biggest house you can afford can leave you without money for trips, emergencies, and retirement. This is all about learning to be happy with less!
10. Keep your priorities in line. Your priorities are your future, your financial security, and your family. Remember this during every financial decision and you can’t go wrong.
What are your best habits when it comes to being frugal? Share them below.
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