Healthy Living.
It’s something we all strive for, right? We want to feel good and be able to do the things we want to do. But when we do not feel healthy it makes it difficult.
I was there for a long time. I just did not feel right. My stomach hurt, I was tired, in fact, some days I could barely get out of bed. I went to doctors and they didn’t know the issue, so I would simply be sent away with no help. This went on for years.
One day I was speaking to a friend and she mentioned some health issues her son had. They had been seeing a wonderful naturopathic doctor who had really helped them.
I was skeptical. One; I had been feeling unhealthy for a long time and two; I had never considered a naturopathic doctor. But I was desperate, so I made an appointment.
She spend a long time with me, not like other doctors who rush you in and out. She gave me some things to try and had me only eat very simple foods to see if we could find any food triggers.
But I did not feel better.
I was seeing her for a month or two and finally I blurted out, “When will I feel better?”.
“Six months”, she said, “give it six months from when we started”.
It felt like a lifetime. But I did. It was worth a shot.
And right around six months in I did start to feel better. None of my healing went “in a straight line”. I would feel better, and then not so much sometimes. But I always felt like we were moving forward.
I learned what I could eat and feel well and what I should stay away from.
Her patience and knowledge taught me to reach out and take a hold of my own health and wellness. I feel like I do much more of controlling it now than it controls me.
I want to thank this doctor for sharing and giving what she has. Her gift of healing is lovely and I am forever grateful to her.
Do you have an expert in your life who has help you change for the better? How so? Please share your experience in the comments.
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