Have you noticed that cable costs continue to rise? It seems that at least once a year, cable companies like to sneak extra fees in on us. Before you know it, your favorite shows can be costing you $100.00 a month to enjoy! Over the course of a year, you can be paying well over $1200.00 for cable services. But lucky for us, there are ways to “snip and sub” on your cable plan, and the end result can be big savings for you! In fact, with some careful planning you can easily save at least $54.79 every month!
Sound interesting? Take a peek at how you can save $54.79 on your cable bill! And no worries, everything you read here is totally legal!
1. Snip out cable movie rentals and sub with Red Box or free library rentals. If you rent two movies a month from your cable provider at $6.00 each, you are spending $25.00 (after taxes) every two months. Instead, rent Red Box movies using free codes (found on their Facebook page) or rent free library flicks. Yes it requires a little more work, but the savings adds up!
2. Snip out high def channels and sub with basic viewing options. High definition channels are about $10.00 extra a month, or $20.00 every two months. Do you really need a high def picture? Why not just adjust your television viewing settings for a clear and colorful picture? There really is not much of a viewing difference, and you save hundreds of dollars a year!
3. Snip out automatic bill increases and sub with a customer service phone call. If your bill goes up for any reason, call customer service and discuss this with them. Inform them that you are happy to find another provider if they can’t make your services more affordable. Chances are they won’t want to lose your business and will offer a percentage off your monthly bill. Even a 10% discount off a $100.00 a month bill saves you $10.00 a month, or $20.00 every two months.
4. Snip out premium channels and sub with Netflix or Hulu. You might love HBO and Showtime, but these premium channels can run you an extra $20.00 a month. Instead, watch your favorite premium network shows on Netflix, Hulu, or rent them from the library. Chances are you will be a season behind, but you will be ahead budget wise! You can easily save $20.00 a month or $40.00 every two months!
To find more ways to save big bucks on your cable, visit this post here and learn more! You will be surprised at how easy and legal it is to cut back your cable bill while still enjoying the shows and stations that you love!
So give these tips a try, and see how you can save at least $54.79 a month on your cable services!
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