As we all know, food is expensive! It seems as though each time we visit the grocery store the prices are getting higher and the packaging is getting smaller. If you aren’t buying fresh and in season food, you might notice that especially your convenience foods and dining out are really starting to add up.
So this month, challenge yourself to saving $50 by making a change in your eating habits. More specifically, try cooking in bulk! You already may know that you can save big bucks by shopping with a list, buying generics and cutting back on meat consumption. Plus, I am sure you are also a super savvy coupon clipper! Now, add that to cooking in bulk, and you will see how quickly the savings add up!
Not sure where to begin? The internet has a plethora of recipe sites that will break down how you can cook in bulk. You’ll find recipes for tasty, inexpensive meals such as tuna casserole, rice and beans and quesadillas at sites such as, where the measurements and directions are specifically designed for cooking in bulk. When you cook in bulk, you are making enough of a meal to last you several meals. Now, this doesn’t mean you eat the same thing every day for a week. No way! When you cook in bulk, you can freeze your additional product for a later date. This way, a tasty meal is just a reach away!
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Let’s breakdown how you can save $50 this month by cooking in bulk:
Suppose you make a batch of rice and beans, chicken casserole, and quesadillas at $10.00 each. Each batch will net you three meals. You have now made 9 days worth of meals at approximately $3.30 a meal. Wow!
Now, if just 5 of those meals replace a fast food trip out, a delivery pizza, or even frozen dinners for a family of four, you have easily saved $54.79 this month! Each fast food trip, delivery pizza, or frozen dinner meal for a family of four starts around $10.00 each, and that is speaking very conservatively. Chances are you will spend more like $20.00 a pop. Instead, substitute your bulk meals for just five of these meals a month, and you will save big.
Cooking in bulk does not need to be time consuming, bland, or expensive. You will find that many of the dishes use basic and natural ingredients, are quite tasty, and easy to freeze and reheat when you need them. There is nothing like working all day and coming home knowing a tasty meal is just a trip to the oven away! No more dropping $20.00 on boring carry out pizza!
So give cooking in bulk a try, and see how you can save $54.79 a month! is a great place to start, or simply Google “cooking in bulk” recipes to find more that your family will enjoy. When you start cooking in bulk, your favorite meals will be ready on hand when you need them, and you will be able to fight the urge to dine out or make overpriced, processed convenience foods.
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