Designer clothing is one of the fastest ways to look put together and like you’re on the cutting edge of fashion. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the fastest ways to go broke and bust your budget. If designer clothing is important to you and you’re willing to work a little bit to find great pieces, you can get high-end clothes on a low budget!
Thrift Shops
If you get familiar with your local thrift shops, you could have a designer wardrobe in no time. It depends on your area but you may want to skip out on chain thrift stores—while they have great deals, they often tend to know how much their merchandise is worth, so you might not get such a good deal. Locally-owned thrift stores that try to move merchandise as quickly as possible are more likely to under-price designer clothing and put it out for your eager hands! Another tip: get to know the volunteers at your favorite thrift stores. Once they get friendly with you, they may set aside items you’ll like when they come through.
I recently saw a few nice looking Coach and other designer purses for around $30 at a local thrift store. Just know what you are looking for for you don’t get a fake. (See how to tell if a designer bag is a fake here.) I also snagged a super cute pair of $100+ Guess Pumps for only $20.
Estate Sales and Garage Sales
Who doesn’t love garage sales and estate sales? Pick the right ones and you could be swimming in designer clothing. Estate sales can be a great source of low-priced designer clothing. As families try to get rid of items to settle an estate or prepare a house to go on the market, they may under-price clothing just to get it out the door.
Also see Spring Clean Your Babies and Kids Closets for Consignment Cash
Learn How to Sew and Get Out Stains
How many times have you seen someone discard a perfectly good piece of clothing simply because it has a stain or a rip? Sewing and stain removal aren’t tough skills to learn, but they can save you beaucoup bucks if you master them. Put a few hours into learning basic sewing skills and learn how to get stains out of your favorite fabrics. The next time you find a piece of designer clothing that “can’t be saved,” you’ll know exactly how to save it and make it the star of your next outfit.
Buy From Online Resale Sites
Sites like Thred Up and Twice are great places to buy designer clothing, shoes and bags for less. I will say you are not going to get a rock bottom price, but definitely less than if you bought new. My personal favorite is Thred Up. They package everything so nice and I feel like they are very honest if something has a flaw in there descriptions. Like Twice is good too, but they are a bit more expensive and their packaging and descriptions where not as good.
You can also sell your designer items back to both Thred Up and Twice to help keep up your little habit.
I love getting designer clothes as a discount. They often are made better and last longer. So when you can get them for the same or less as a cheaper brand it is a real score.
What are you beset tips for getting designer clothing for less?
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Barbara says