People may feel like frugal living is difficult when they are just starting to learn about budgeting and reducing spending in order to live a frugal life. However, once you’ve gotten over the initial hump of learning how to properly manage your finances, you’ll find that frugal living actually simplifies your life in a number of different ways. Frugal living allows you to live with less stress. Reducing your consumerism allows you to learn more about yourself and to simplify your life goals.
In the end, frugal living allows you to live simply so that you can simply live.
Less Stress
The single biggest hindrance to a simple life for almost everyone is stress. Stress makes life difficult in so many ways; it causes problems in our relationships, creates health issues in our bodies and frustrates us as we try to meet our goals. Frugal living reduces stress, which simplifies your life in all of these other areas.
When you live a frugal life, you are able to significantly limit the financial stress that you’re facing which is typically the biggest source of stress for most people. You’ll reduce (or even eliminate) your debt, streamline your bills down to just a few per month and put aside some savings so that you aren’t worried about what will happen in case of an emergency.
When this stress is alleviated, you’ll find that other stress is also reduced. You’ll be able to enjoy life with your spouse more. Your health problems will often dissipate. Your life will feel lighter and everything you do will feel simpler because you won’t have money worries hanging over your head.
Less Stuff
Living a frugal life isn’t just about spending less money; it’s also about consuming less. You’d be surprised how much simpler your life is when you make a conscious choice to have less stuff cluttering things up. Just a few examples of how too much stuff makes life complicated include:
·More to clean, organize and store. The more stuff that you have, the more time you have to spend dealing with that stuff. Every time that you have to sort through things or dust them off you’ve got another chore on your task list.
·More to offer. It’s nice to have extras around the house to offer to others as needed but that can create complications in your life. For example, when you have an extra room in your house and plenty of extra sheets and dishes then you have a lot of houseguests interested in coming to see you. Houseguests can make your daily life complicated. That’s not a problem that you have if you simply don’t have a lot to offer to them.
·And yet you always want more. Consumerism is something that builds upon itself. When you buy a lot of things, you end up just wanting to buy even more. This complicates life in a multitude of ways including causing emotional highs and lows that can significantly upset your life.
Guest post by Kathryn Vercillo. Kathryn is a writer for which gives away free discount code deals (like this Laura Ashley promotional code) and also publishes the money saving blog.
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