I have begun thinking about summer activity options for my girls. This is NEVER an easy feat.
I feel like I start early and then summer is on top of me and I am scrambling.
This year we actually have a great option for them for a 1/2 day camp at a local children’s museum. I love that it is educational and not too crazy (and the price is good, too). They probably will end up going to that for around 6 weeks in the morning. It’s perfect to maintain some structure and also to give me a few hours in the day that I can run errands on my own.
But I still like to have some options for them at home, where I can easily keep my eye on them. Because of this I started to do some research on “free online summer camp” I had no idea if that concept REALLY existed, but it SEEMS like a good idea.
Also See: When the School Days are Done.. Kids, They Want to Have Fun..
I was looking for something that was fun, educational, and instructional, generally more that just a game that they played online. But there is not a lot out there, I really had to dig.
I figured if this was something I wanted, some of you may be interested in what I found, too. So I am sharing my findings below. I came across a few free options but most are paid. In general, the cost tends to be affordable, under $100, and many considerably less.
I also will list the DVD type courses I found, as I thought those were good options, as well.
- Art For Kids– Short Lessons on how to draw and sculpt- FREE!
- Artventure– Over 100 art lessons. The videos run 8-10 minute, but the art can take up to one hour for your child to complete. They have 1 year access option for your home for $99, but there are 4 FREE lessons you can try out.
- Thrive– art lessons for kids 6-12. $99 for 6 lessons, but you can try a FREE one here.
- See The Light ART CLASS (Volumes 1-9; 36 lessons) on DVD- $99, this is a Biblical Art Curriculum ( and if can’t find it on Amazon, you can get it at her main site, too for the same price.
- Mike’s Inspiration Station– These art DVD’s have good reviews online. But I believe they are discontinued so if you want them.. snag them. About $30 for 6 lessons
- Cosmic Kids Yoga– These look like fun videos, very colorful. Videos seem to run 10-15 minutes. FREE!
Note: Yoga is a bit funky for me. I love the breathing and exercises, but the more religious thoughts behind it are not really for me. Make sure if you feel this too you watch through the videos first to confirm they are right for your family.
- Take Lessons– This is online (and local) instruction for for Music as well as Tutoring. If your child is interested in learning to sing or play an instrument this would be perfect. If you use this link you will get $25 off your 1st lesson.
According to Take Lessons, “When it’s time for your lesson, simply head to your computer. We recommend Skype as the online video platform – it’s a free download. You’ll be able to see and talk to your teacher online through the camera and microphone.”
- Magic School Bus Young Scientists Club– (not on-line) a Monthly kit of science experiments. Each kit is $19.99, but you can often search on Groupon on other deal sites for a yearly subscription that is less expensive per month.
- Kids Sewing- Online sewing classes run about $10 each or your can get the DVDs of lessons for about $30-$40 (probably plus shipping) Get a FREE Sewing a Hairbow Lesson here
- Urban Farming for KIDS! Online class– Classes like How to Raise Chickens and How to Raise Goats- $24.95 for the course.
- Rainbow Loom Tutorials– Seriously, I think the girls could spend hours doing this! Buy Looms and Bands on Amazon.
- Learn Magic Tricks– Videos to teach your kids magic tricks
Now it’s your turn! Do you know of any great online courses for kids or ones you can buy on DVD? Leave them in the comments and I might add them to the list.
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