The other day I was reading Corduroy to my daughters for school. Apparently, when I was their age this was one of my favorite books and I know why- I loved the fantasy that my stuffed animals came alive at night and that is essentially what this book is about.
A little stuffed bear in a department store comes alive after a little girl who wants to buy him notices he is missing a button. He tries to find a button in the store, after it closes, then the girl comes back and buys him and takes him home. It ‘s a super cute story and I recommend it.
The funny thing is, in the car the next day I was talking to my girls and I said that the little girl should have asked for a discount because of the missing button. The girls and I thought she could have at least received a 10% discount for that and she could have paid less of her money from her piggy bank. The girls liked that… I am training them well 🙂
Also see: 15 Ways to Save Money Every Day
So.. do you ask for discounts in the store? Say for a damaged item or a floor model. What items would you never buy with “damage”? What is your target amount off? And do you throw out the percentage off or wait for the cashier or manager to do it?
Do any of you have a really good buys that you have gotten this way? Please, leave a comment.
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