I thought I would make a list of some more ways that we could save money in our everyday lives. I would love to hear from all of you and your ideas for saving money daily- because saving a $1 a day is $365 at the end of the year.
These first couple are all related- think of the $$ you could save if you tried just these 1st four:
1.Don’t shop when you are hungry– this one is pretty obvious. When you are hungry you buy more because EVERYTHING looks delicious.
2.Use a shopping list– and keep to it- this way you know how much you are spending- no surprises.
Also See: How to Live Beneath Your Means
3.Plan all errands for one day a week. Instead of wasting you time and gas on heading out everyday try to keep your errands to one maybe two days a week.
4.Pack a cooler of food and drinks if you are out for the day– and when you do go out pack a cooler- this way your always have nourishment for you and the kids. This can also cut down on the cranky factor of and long spring of errands.
5.Trade books and magazines with friends or use the library- I get a lot of free magazines but some of you still might have your favorites that have not been offered for free at Frugal Living Mom. My rec- find a friend that likes that magazine too and do trades for books and other magazines. This also cuts down on environmental waste. Or just use you library.
6.Cut dryer sheets in ½- You probably will need to do experimenting to see if this works for you- but it can be especially effective for smaller loads.
7.Keep the shades down– Draw the curtains, pull the shades- it keeps that house cooler and in turn reduces your energy bill.
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