So I think my youngest, who is 6, is going to be my “deal buddy”.
She cracks me up. If the mail comes and it is one of the days that grocery ads are included she will grab them and get two markers, one for me and one for her.
We sit down and bond over deal hunting. I am not so sure she quite gets it yet and is much more interested in circling her favorite foods and crossing out the “unfavorable” ones than really finding the best deal. But it is still really cute.
Yesterday, she grabbed a paper out of the printer with coupons on them and asked if she could cut them out. She was so careful to be neat.
So, she is not an “extreme couponer” yet.. but who knows, give her a year or two.. she’s only 6.
It’s funny to me how you “train” you children without even meaning to.. it just happens, for good or bad..
What things have you inadvertently or inadvertently trained your kids to do?
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