This tip is one that I know not every one has time for. But it is one I personally use all the time so I really wanted to mention it.
#4 Shop Outside the Box to Save $$$ in 2012
Why do I mean by “shop outside the box”? What I mean is to shop where you might not normally. We are gluten free and gluten free products are small and expensive. You will probably pay double or triple the price of the regular item for a gluten free one. Because of this I always have my eyes open for substitutes. One of the best ones I have found recently is for gluten free pasta- it runs anywhere from $2 a lb to $5- but at the Asian market I can get a bag for around $1- 1.50- and we like it. I am lucky enough to have a Thai food store right across from my daughter’s school- so I just swing by and pick up a couple of bags when we are out.
Another great place for bargains in my area are the Mexican Grocery stores. They have amazing prices on produce, meats and dry staples. I have found produce and meats selling for half the price. I also like that it opens me up to new products I have not seen before.
Other ways to shop outside the box is to find food “co-ops” in your area. The ones in mine offer really great food for pretty much the prices you could get when you could run around town to hit all the sales- but you don’t have to run around town. You just pick up the food that you order online once a month. It saves time and money. To find the co-ops in my area I just googled “San Diego Food Co-ops”.
These are just a few suggestions of how I have been able to save money by “shopping outside the box”. What are some of your “out of the box” ways to shop?
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Jackie @ My Zero Dollar Christmas says
frugal jen says