How to Make Your House Feel Clean
As any Lazy Girl knows, housework is the pits. Now, I know there are those of you out there that LOVE to clean.
But I am a Lazy Girl.. so that is not me. Yet even Lazy Girls can’t have a gross home.
If I was not a Frugal Girl, too, I would have a housecleaner. I had a house cleaner come out one time because I got a Groupon. It was AMAZING. Here is the thing, though.. she was here for 4 hours, FOUR HOURS, and did not even finish.
I don’t have time to spend 4+ hours cleaning the house (and not even be done). Although, my hubby would really like it if I would (but that is another story). I also don’t have the money to have a house cleaner come out a a couple of a month. Believe me, I looked into it. It’s not cheap.
So, alas, what is a lazy girl to do? Well here a few tricks to help you house feel a bit cleaner, without taking 4+ hours or costing an arm and a leg.
And depending on how lazy you are feeling you can pick and choose or do them all.
1. Pick up all the junk. Kids (and adults, but we won’t talk about that) make BIG messes. Grab a bin or basket and throw in all the kid’s stuff. I put their stuff in the hall for them to put away. My rule is if you leave it there overnight, it will not be there in the morning. Surprisingly, it works most of the time! (As a note, pare down the kid’s stuff… they really don’t need 50 toys, a few will do. But we will talk about that in another post))
2. Vacuum. I don’t know if it is in my head, but just vacuuming makes my house feel 50% cleaner!
3. Do the Dishes. Yeah, I hate this one. This is one area where I am the Laziest. But a sink full of dishes REALLY makes the house feel dirty. My husband HATES this but my secret for getting it done fast is to do as little rinsing as a can. You need to rinse off the big stuff because that can clog up your dishwasher. But other than that, I just stick them in. Sure a few things need to go through again, but I would rather do that then stand there rinsing. But that’s me.
Also see: How to Fake a Clean House.
4. Make your bed. Nothing fancy, just pull up your bedspread and arrange the pillows. Your bedroom will feel much cleaner.
5. Toss the junk mail in the trash right away. I don’t know about you, but I am consumed with papers. Do everything you can to get rid of immediately. When you check the mail stand next to the recycling and just toss any junk.
6. Light a Candle. Yep, if the house isn’t REALLY clean at least it can smell like it is.
What are your best tips for quick cleaning? Leave us a comment or two.
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