Hey, thanks for being a pinner one of Frugal Living Mom’s collaborative boards.
Our goal is to tell to tell Pinterest these are great board and they should show our pins to more people. To do this all of us need to be pinning only high quality pins. Pinners averaging less than the require listed repins per board may be removed at that time.
Right now, I am not accepting new collaborators to either board.
Smart Tips and Household Tricks Group Board (averaging 4+ repins and I think we can do better!)
- No more than 2 posts a day
- If your some of your posts are getting 2 or less repins I would ask that you’d delete them stop posting those to the board.
- No deal/shopping pins. This board is for evergreen content only.
- No recipe pins- I LOVE recipes, but this is not a board for recipes
- This is a household tips and tricks board, so I know some posts are borderline but many ore not. Recipes, DIY (unless it involves a household hack or something), crafts, kids stuff..etc)
Frugal and Money Saving Group Board (averaging 8+ repins (which is great, but better is always.. well, better!)
- No more than 5 posts a day
- If your some of your posts are getting 5 or less repins I would ask that you’d stop posting those to the board. (I totally get that sometimes a post does less than stellar once, but then fine the next time. I’m talking averages here).
- No deal/shopping pins. This board is for evergreen content only.
After that 30 days will send another note about the boards goals for that month, if necessary.
I know Pinterest is great and brings lots of traffic. Please help me make it even better for you!
Jenetta Penner
Frugal Living Mom
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