I like to make popcorn for my girls lunches, its super cheap and I don’t have to worry about any funky ingredients I don’t want them to have.
I decided to make this “Cheesy” Taco Popcorn in order to mix it up for them, and they really liked it.
Keep in mind my recipe is not real cheese.. it’s Nutritional Yeast. Never hear of it? It’s great stuff. It has a cheesy flavor so you can actually use it to replace cheese in some recipes (the other day I put it in a quiche I made and it did not need any cheese at all. It’s fun to sprinkle on popcorn all by itself or you can mix it into mayo for a unique sandwich spread..
2 tablespoons of Nutritional Yeast have 60 calories with 5 g of carbohydrates (4 g are fiber), 9 g of complete protein, nine amino acids, selenium and potassium and it has 35 to 100 percent of all of the B vitamins, except B12.
See??.. good stuff 🙂 Now go get some and try this popcorn (in a pinch you could use powdered cheese.. but it has none of that good stuff).
Also check out our M&M’s® Candy Popcorn
Yields 2-4
"Cheesy" Taco Popcorn (Tastes like Doritos!)
5 minPrep Time
5 minTotal Time
- 1 tablespoon Nutritional Yeast
- 1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1/8 teaspoon onion powder
- 1/8 teaspoon cumin
- 1/8 teaspoon paprika
- 1/8 teaspoon chili powder (not hot)
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- Put all ingredients in to a coffer grinder and grind for a few seconds
- Note: You could simply mix the ingredients, but I liked making them fine and powdery
- Sprinkle on 6-8 cups of popcorn prepared with butter or coconut oil or a combo of both
- Place any leftover in a small airtight container
- Feel free to double, triple or whatever 🙂
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frugal jen says
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